
The A Future of Audio.


What makes audio so special?

(in evolutionary terms hearing developed before vision.)

Demo 1 - Martin Luther King

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What do we need to make audio interactive?

(covers many cases)

Word time-aligned transcripts. Hypertranscripts?

  <p class="transcript">
    <span t="123">Buongiorno</span>
    <span t="456">mondo!</span>

Word time-aligned transcripts. Hypertranscripts?

var words = 

for (var i = 0, iLen = words.length; i < iLen; i++) {
  words[i].addEventListener('click', function(){
  }, false);

Demo 2 - Hyperdisken

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Make audio content searchable

Transcribing your audio makes it much more findable. It also makes excerpts findable and playable.

Social Integration

Now we have a good grip on our content's word timings, we can allow people to link to excerpts of audio as well as their associated text.

Language Switching

Precise timings mean we can switch languages on-the-fly.

Use Case : language learning applications.

Demo 3 - RadioLab

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Going further with text

"My partner is deaf, and I've really wanted her to experience Radiolab. Now she really can!

The use of colored text to indicate different speakers, the timing, the flow - it really captured the conversational experience that is Radiolab".

Technology (Lego)



Popcorn.js + jPlayer

The key advantage of combining Popcorn and jPlayer is that you can support one video codec on all modern browsers.

jPlayer also provides a nice API wrapper that masks browser differences.

Going further with text

Demo 4 - Radio24Syv

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The elephant in the room

How do we create word-aligned timed transcripts?

Third party transcription services (paid)

Third party transcription services (free)

When we synchronise audio with text we can manipulate audio in the same way we can text.

Demo 5 - Hyperaudio Pad

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Hyperaudio Pad

Nothing left on cutting room floor.

Hyperaudio Pad Applications


... and now for something completely different.

We've talked a lot about speech-to-text.

What about text-to-speech?

Introducing speak.js

Demo 6 - Perceptive Media

Dynamically generated audio

We are starting to see the ability to dynamically generate audio content.

Demo 7 - Internet Indians!

As most video has an audio track, we can apply the same techniques we use to control audio, to video.

Thanks for listening and thanks to ...

More info Hyperaudio Google Group